Manifesto of FIBRA – 01/19

On the 1st January 2019 when the 38th President of the Federative Republic of Brazil takes office, we reiterate our support for the democratic rule-of-law state, regulated by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. These include human and civilians’ rights assigned to all Brazilian citizens, the preservation of the environment and protection of native people. We strongly express our commitment to the resistance against any threat to these rights and the sovereignty of Brazil that the mandate of this president may represent to the history of our country.

We Brazilians in the diaspora have watched with concern the reforms already undertaken in Brazilian public policies, such as reductions in public sector investments, especially in education and health. With great indignation, we see the foreshadowing of their deepening. The elimination of rules of protection for the workers, access to land, individual and collective rights are all causes of concern.

We also bear witness to the discrediting and consequent annihilation of social policies that help those in diverse communities who depend on the state for access to a better standard quality of living in all its dimensions.

We understand that Brazilian Democracy, although young, remains the model that allows the country to develop, respecting the social and economic rights of a sovereign nation. Therefore, we reaffirm the commitment of the International Solidarity Collectives in this Manifesto, formed during the fight against the coup d’etat of 2016.

We will continue to fight for our democracy and the preservation of this democratic model, exposing to the world the persecutions to the social movements, the arbitrary arrests and assassinations that have occurred and are yet to come.

We will work as an international watcher for the crimes committed against vulnerable social groups and minority communities in Brazil, particularly black people, women, natives and quilombolas communities.

We will be vigilant in our search for the guarantee of the rights of workers and confront the oppressive pseudo-conservative and moralistic crusade that has officially established itself in the operational centre of the Brazilian government.

Mostly, we will continue to denounce the abuse of power of a biased judiciary that keeps former president Lula imprisoned without evidence or proof of any crimes and which allows, by either omissions or actions, the relentless persecution of leftist social movements and their leaders.

We will ask for solidarity for the international community. At the same time, we demand that the hard-fought democratic rights which are fundamental to the well-being of our people remain in place, demanding from the authorities of the countries in which we live to stand against whatever sets us back on our achievements that were democratically conquered.

Brazil is much bigger than the international financial powers, allied national oligarchies that degrade our sovereignty. Our people are worth more than an elite stranded in the morals and privileges of a slavish violent and servile past.

We are FIBRA, and we will fight.

Hamburgo contra o golpe
Leipziger Initiative “Demokratie für Brasilien”
Australia for Democracy in Brazil
Na Bélgica pela democracia e contra o golpe
Coletivo Brasil Montreal
Coletivo Brasil-Toronto – GTA
Coletivo Brasil Ottawa
Brasileiros de esquerda em Bogotá
Brasileiros na Dinamarca Pela Democracia, Não ao Golpe!
Amig@s da Democracia :: Barcelona
Comitê Lula Livre Barcelona
Coletivo pelos Direitos no Brasil/Madrid – (resistencia contra o golpe)
Unidos contra o Lawfare – Barcelona
Salamanca em defesa da democracia brasileira
Boston Contra o Golpe
Brasileiros contra o golpe em LA
Coletivo Desbordar
Defend Democracy in Brazil – DDB
Manifestação contra o GOLPE em CHICAGO
Coletivo #ForaTemer Lyon
Collectif Alerte France Bresil
Collectif Brésil34 / Brésiliens à Montpellier contre le coup d’État
Comité international pour la solidarité avec Lula et la défense de la démocratie
Amsterdam pela Democracia no Brasil
Comunidade mundial de professorxs/pesquisadorxs contra o golpe à democracia
Brazilian Left Front – BLF
Bologna per la Democrazia – Contro il colpo di stato nel Brasile
Coletivo BELI- Brasileiros em Luta – Roma
Coletivo Curumim- Bolonha
CONTRAGOLPE – Em defesa da Democracia – Roma
Pela democracia e contra o golpe! Brasileiros e amigos do Brasil na Noruega
Fibra Porto
Brasileiros no Porto pela democracia
Grupo de Braga – Unidos em prol da Democracia
BRASSAR-Brasileiros na Suécia contra o golpe
Brasileiros pela Democracia – Suíça
Comitê Lula Livre Genebra
Manifesto Brasil Suiça – Zurique
Democracy for Brasil UK
Brasileir@s en Uruguay por la Democracia
Comitê Lula Livre- FREE UK
DMovies UK
Coletivo South Africa Cape Town
Rede de ajuda contra o fascismo
Mujeres Brasileñas Contra el Fascismo BCN
Amigos do MTC

(English Version: Fernanda Otero and Nara Guarani-Kayowaá. Editors: Claire Brennan and Cleusa Vicente)